KEN MADE A MONUMENTAL DISCOVERY pertaining to the ZERO ITS POWER AND POTENTIAL and the Discovery of the DNA of Numbers, along with some others interesting techniques that will increase your awareness when it comes to picking and playing winning numbers.
Now I'm ready to reveal it to the world. I've used the word "monumental" to describe what I've discovered because it is "monumental," which, according to the dictionary, means:impressively large and sturdy; enormous, of outstanding significance.
I know that some people will think that what I am claiming is an exaggeration but it is not. You can also see that in the word "monumental" is the word "mental" -- when you finish reading this book it will have a profound effect on your mentality and how you see numbers. It is said that we are living in the "Age of Information," so what you know becomes all-important. "Knowledge protects and ignorance endangers."
Here is a synopsis of chapters: